Friday, August 26, 2011

Can we say overkill?

I realized this morning that one should never try to write when at the mercy of a migraine. Why? Well, if you count--and I did--I made 11 various literary and pop culture references in one post. ELEVEN.

Were they related artists or topics? No. Were they even in the same artistic field? No. In one post I managed to reference the Golden Age of Hollywood (twice), indie rock music, a cartoon character symbolizing the evils of capitalistic adulthood, and a much loved children's novel. And then there were the completely random (and fairly illogical) references to Austin Powers and exploding Elizabeth Hurley robots.

So, new plan: don't write when: a) in pain, b) taking medicine, c) after a burglary scare, or d) if you have so many literary references floating in your head that a simple reading could turn into fodder for a drinking game. i.e. Oh look! Movie reference! Take a shot. Oh look! Book reference. Start the waterfall!


...I couldn't do it. I went back to clean up the post in question. It physically hurt to have it out there. So, now it is just long winded. But it won't cause alcohol poisoning. 

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